Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

home. finally, nearly home.

not me.
my kids.
i have done my best not to whine.  nor be troublesome about it.
but i survived another week with them gone.
that's huge.
and i've accomplished so very much since vacation.
i just put together my new bed frame.  altogether there were 22 bolts and 24 washers.  and, of course, then i had to wrangle the box springs and mattress onto the frame.  done.  now, i could berate myself because my house is far from done.  however, tonight when i was outside with the dogs and the sun had just gone down and the lights were shining through the still open windows...i smiled.  the house is starting to have that at home feeling about it.  not institutional nor necessarily just practical...much more.  homey.  put together.  lots and lots to do.  lots of big things.  and little things.  but i'm gnawing away at the list.  and i'm not just stuffing things away.  i'm putting my hands on them and deciding their value in our lives.  a lot of stuff is leaving.  and i mean a lot.  more than i even did at the garage sale.  the come get it for free.  we're going to have another freebie day.
and i am refusing to use the barn and the loft as overflow.  don't need overflow.  at all.
a lot left to do.  i know.  and i'm embarrassed when people come by.  they don't know that i've scrubbed and cleaned and wiped the walls and the baseboards and the grout.  they have no idea that i've gone through all of the childhood stuff.  but i know.  and i know that i've kicked butt.  and i'm proud of me.  even if nobody else knows what it has entailed.
and now my kids are nearly here.
they will wish it was all done too....but perhaps they'll see that it is better.  i hope so.
i need some rest.

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