Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Thursday, August 29, 2013


need i say more?
haha.  probably so.
i've been going strong since yesterday morning before 5am.  it's now almost 7pm.  it's a good and bittersweet time getting my son settled at college.
i've been out of my comfort zone all day long.  meeting and greeting.  making small talk.  dealing with a kid who wants me to go...but doesn't want me to go.  spending time with each other.  trying to say the important things.  trying to hold back some things that would be for me and not for him.  spending hours in the car talking through the tough stuff that made up our lives before my divorce.  hearing how his dad wrote him a letter this last week and how little it meant because it didn't try to make things right.  it didn't say what his dad had done wrong.  it didn't apologize for the christmas fiasco.  but my son wasn't bitter.  he was very matter of fact.  and he told me how the divorce wasn't my fault.  and how it wasn't  a bad thing.  he told me how he was tired of living a lie before.  me too, i agreed.  we talked church.  and family.  we laughed.  we were somber.  we gossiped...about our own reality.  we fell asleep with him asking me about my favorite things.  it was super sweet.....and then, i just couldn't keep my eyes open anymore.
we got up early.
we worked hard.
we met people.
i went and got my stuff into my hotel room.  he hung out in his room a bit.  then.....i went back and we had dinner with his roommate and his parents.
then i left.  and drove around the super cute downtown.  should have made it a girl's trip.  well, not really.  i'd probably not be too entertaining.  because i was driving around.  finding my way.  getting my bearings.  enjoying the spectacular peaks.  reveling in beauty.  when i saw it.........LIQUOR WORLD.  I veered into the parking lot and screeched to a halt in the narrow lot.  i went in the door....teal blue saloon doors......i found my baby bottles of wine.  just two, not four.  hahaha.  i bought them.  i got back to the hotel.  realized i didn't have a key.  oops.  went to get a key.  they made it wrong.  went back.  got the right one.  came into the room and stripped off my hot jeans and shirt and snuggled into my jammies, popped open a bottle of wine and sunk down into the pillows.
i started thinking today about how desperately happier i am.  alone is fine.  so much better, as a matter of fact.  i don't mean friends.  i mean, instead of being married.  it was a heavier burden than i even realized until i was allowed to put it down.  it didn't lift up or encourage.  i'm content.  i'm blessed.
now...on to some relax time!!!

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