Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Perhaps productivity is good.  I know that it is.  But, sometimes overrated.  Because some of the very best times and biggest growing times are times when there is frustration or stillness or a change in plans.  On those days, productivity often drops.
Today is one of those days.  Remember the "damn" chickens?  Well, you guessed it, with my husband out of town, I am trying to take care of them.  Yeah.  Right.  I like pets.  I am not a farmer.  But, I have let them out.  I even let them go out into the yard.  Fed them.  Found the tiniest chick he had dead in the coop this morning....it was really too little to just be trucking around with the big chickens  It was the smallest one I had ever seen walking around.  It's sibling is tiny too, but it was ok.  First thing this morning.  But, come afternoon, I go out to the freezer in the barn to get something and as I leave the barn there is the little, fluffy chick right in front of the door.  It was too small to keep up with the others and to go up a step that my husband had built from railroad ties.  So, it got stuck without food or water in the very hot sun, on rocks....you get the picture.  So, I reach down to pick it up and am surprised to find that it's....alive?  No way.  So, I talk to it, hold it close to my chest.  Take it in the house.  I figure that it has heatstroke.  But seriously, how to get a chick to eat and drink?  No clue.  So, I get a very shallow plate and put water and tip the birdie beak into the water.  Nothing.  Repeat.  Same.  They say that an idiot is the one who keep trying the same thing expecting a different result.  That's me.  The fourth time, he sucked in, tipped his head back and swallowed.  Now I am doing it every few minutes.  I have softened oats, chicken feed and crumbled muffin in his box....oh yes, it's in the house.  He is chirping again.  But, frankly, may not live.  That's a pretty rough thing for such a little bird to go through.  I don't like having the chickens because they are hard to care for.  Hard to keep safe.  I don't even like the fresh eggs.  But, I wouldn't ever just leave one to die.  Joke about it?  Sure.  But, I am way softer than anyone knows.  Don't tell. 
Gotta go water the birdie.
grace to you

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