Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Thursday, August 16, 2012


Some bullying is done in a passive way.  It involves denying acceptance or kindness or even love.  I was thinking about this today as I thought about the letter that my aunt wrote to me regarding my current circumstances.  She made a lot of assumptions.  She told me what I should do.  She gave advice.  She told me how I would feel about it.  She never asked me how I felt or what brought me to this place.  She never said that she'd be there for me.  She said that I had been their pride and joy.   Yet, if that were true, why doesn't she communicate with me except to tell me where I'm going wrong?  She tells me how wise I used to be but won't hear my reasoning in the now. 
And I wrote back and said that those things hurt me.  It has been two days and I haven't heard back at all.  So, like the first time she addressed the issue, she said her piece and when I didn't agree or do what she said, she ignored me. 
I wonder if she knows how saying sorry would help.  Or even simply loving unconditionally.  But, bullying by withdrawing because I won't go her way is simply hurtful.  Today I realized how much.  How I don't want to hear from her and yet I wish that she would wake up.  That she would be someone in my corner who knows that I wouldn't be in this place in life without a very good reason.....or a dozen. 
Anyway, there are lots of kinds of bullying.  And this one is as painful as the yelling kind.  Maybe moreso because there's no way to fight back. 
Instead, I must learn to live.  To pray.  To give.  To choose.  To be kind.  I must.  Because I know who I was made to be and Who I was made to follow. 
It's a long road, but it's a beautiful journey.

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