Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Monday, August 13, 2012


Some days, I feel giddy just because I survived.  Today and yesterday have been those days.  It's hard to be sick when I'm so incredibly busy and yet, beyond myself there is a wealth of strength.  God is my strength and my portion.  Yes, even in this hacking, sneezing, sniffing, spitting, blowing stage.  He doesn't need any more than what I am at any moment in order to get His work done.  Because He promises to always be enough. 
And He has been faithful.  This weekend was SO busy.  And this week is crazy with new school schedule and being a mom and doing paperwork and paying the bills and.......everything in the world that seems to conspire to cause me to despair.  But I do not.  I am giddy with excitement.  Knowing that it just continues to show His faithfulness.  His everlasting patience. 
And I have survived.  I am still standing...well, not at this exact moment, but you know what I mean. 
There is so much that I don't know how to do.  So many ways that I fail at being a parent.  But He will make up the difference.  I'm going to leave it to Him.  I'm going to listen to His voice. I'm going to let Him love me and hold me and be the strong One.  It's kinda nice.
Talked to my kids tonight about finances, about what their dad gives, about bills, about what I make...the whole shebang.  It was time.  "Wait, how much money does dad make?"  "What's he doing with all that money?" hahahhahahhahaha.  "Well, he does take us out to eat and he doesn't buy the cheap soda anymore."   hahahahahha.  I'm sorry, but this conversation was funny. 
I'm tired, but happy.  So happy.  For I am blessed.
blessing on you.

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