Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Rough Morning Makes for a Rough Day

This morning I found out that my ex had my daughter take my mail to him while he waited on the porch so that he could look for something he was expecting.  Except he has been moved out for four months.  And I have asked and asked for him to change his address.  So stressful.  Made me upset that he was using her for that purpose.  It was really hard.  Really hard.  Because I was irritated with her.  I felt violated.  I was troubled.  It all came out because I was reminding them to put the mail IN the bin we have and wondering aloud why it was spread all over the piano.  And then.....I told them, I've asked him to change his address.  I told them that I don't want them to have to give him the mail.  If there are things to take, I will put them aside.  It's hard to be firm and respectful.  Especially when he has put them in the middle of it.  He has them check the mail to see if certain things have arrived. 
I know that I should just forward it, but I resent that he makes me always be the one to take care of things.  He didn't take himself off of my phone line....I had to cancel his cell phone.  He didn't buy his own car insurance, I had to have my policy rewritten and then have the part that remained his sent to his new address.  He wants to make me engage.  And I have no interest in doing so.  I'm weary of trying to reason with him.  I spent over twenty years trying to communicate and it wasn't very effective.  I tried word pictures, turning it around so he could look at it from a different view point, asking questions, trying to repeat and clarify...but it was always the same ending.  And I guess that I'm just not willing to stay in that position.  It was too hard.  It hurt.  This hurts.  It's disrespectful.  It's illegal.  He has no right to touch my mail.  Nor, actually, to be on my property.  I am stressed.  Big time.  Hard to deal with.  But, I have to.
Happening first thing in the morning just drained me.  I need a hug and I'm without any.  So, I get that tired feeling.  The one where you just want to escape for awhile.
Tears...not yet, but close by.  Think I better head to bed early.

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