Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

blessing of a life

i live a good life.  a life full of wonderful people.  i love my students.  i ponder what good i can do for them every day...and night....and weekend....i really adore them.  i was blessed today to have everything fall together to do reader's theater with them beginning today.  I have the "low" reading group.  and when they walk in, they look as if they would rather die.  until we got out the beautiful scripts.  and made a big deal about them.  and i read to them first.  then they were all ready to go.  and...suddenly...reading came alive.  i love that moment.  i want to see them fly.  to be able to read and comprehend and enjoy.  for if there is not enjoyment in reading, then it's just a burden.  it was a blessing also because those beautiful scripts were an amazing, unexpected surprise.  i was going to print some online ones.  and then....then, someone from my school pointed to her top shelf and said that i could use the box of scripts.  wonderful scripts. colorful.  the kids were saying, "can we do it again?"  and all i can think is that i can't imagine any better way to teach them. 
then i come home to my own kids.  and that just blesses me too.  they walk with me in my heart everywhere i go.  i feel what they are going through and what they hope for.  i pray for them.  laugh with them.  cry for them. 
i am so unbelievably blessed.  i like being able to breathe.  to see the beauty.  to revel.  life is good.

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