Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Whining....I'm done....for now

I think that I'm done whining for now.  I have so much good in my life.  So much beauty.  Just sometimes have to spew out the painful parts.  Like having a virus.  Gotta get rid of the yuck to feel better.  Much like a stomach virus....kinda weird.
I have work to do.  A life to live.  I can't control one person or one relationship. I can't even control what I feel.  So, it's time to get moving again.  Quit wallowing.  Though, some wallowing is necessary now and then.
I will try to be my upbeat self.  I like her.  She is fun to be with.  She just feels like she got a crappy deal and that nobody really gets it.  They just think that she'll just keep on going because that's what she does.  The thing is....she will!!!  I love that about her.  My beautiful, complex, completely different self.  I really like her.  And I get so very weary of trying and hoping for others to like her how she is and now how they feel she should be. 
I think that she should come out and stay out.  But...she's an introvert and retreats easily.  She sends out her facade to take the heat or make the small talk. 
Perhaps one day I'll know how to do it better. 
But for now...I'm going to celebrate the little growths.  I'm going to be joyful.  I'm going to glory in my work.  I'm going to get a bed.  And I'M GOING TO FIGURE OUT WHERE TO PUT IT!!!

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