Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Mama Pride

I love my kids.  And beyond that, I'm so proud of the people that they are...and are becoming.  I see so much potential.  So much hope.  So much....light.  So much Jesus in them.  They teach me what it means to really love.  They show me how much it matters to be kind.  I adore them with a fierce loyalty.  They make life full of potential.  They make dreams worth dreaming.  Even when they are grown.  Because I want to be a woman that they can look to.  Not who has it all together.  Not who is simply the boss.  But rather, someone who is learning to humbly accept that we can't control life.  That God is sufficient.  That life is a gift to be savored and soaked in.  That joy is supposed to be our inheritance. 
I am so proud of them.  Stepping up and doing what they need to.  And learning how to deal with hard things.
My kids are wonderful for who they are, but they are also wonderful for who they make me want to be.  That touches me.  They have changed me.
I'm glad that I lived a life that brought them into being.  Yes, I'm glad that I married and had them.  Though I'm also glad to not be married now.  Life is so complex.  No easy answers. 
I guess that the biggest reason that I am glad that I'm not married now is that I didn't like the woman I was becoming....the mom...the example.  I didn't like the hopelessness that I had accepted as a part of my "lot". 
I have lots of mama pride.  Not because they perform.....because they are.

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