Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

A Steel Magnolia

Well, I was given a strange compliment yesterday....."you're just quite a steel magnolia, aren't you?"  I said thank you. She meant it well based on context, but I was a bit baffled.  I had seen the movie...but...me??  What would that mean?  I asked a friend and she said either strong or a stone cold bitch....hmmm.  So, I looked it up.  Strangely, this person knows that I went to Baylor..in the South.  She knows that I get things done from work.  But, I have never had anyone know me for such a short amount of time and know things about me.  She is.....perceptive.
Well, this steel magnolia is finding some things in life to be difficult to wrap her mind around.  How do I be the kind and giving person that I want to be and still find room for me? It's not easy.  It feeds my soul to see people connect, to meet their needs, to see them content. And yet, sometimes, what others need or want flies straight in the face of what I want or need or desire or hope for.  There's a time for giving.  For putting self aside.  And a time to feed the self so that I'll be prepared to give some more. Balance.  Fearlessness.  Finding what works and going for it. I am brave. Jesus makes me brave. So, even now in this seemingly difficult conundrum, I am choosing to have faith that He has it worked out.  That He is leading me.  Teaching me to do what I need to do.....in order to fulfill His plan and His renown.  Even in seemingly silly things.
A steel magnolia.  I think I like it. 
A southern woman who is strong and independant yet very feminine.
She's overcome so much with her since her husbands death. She's truely a steel magnolia kinda girl.


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