Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Rising.   Getting up.  Changing position.  Changing stature.  They take work.  Whether it's doing it emotionally, socially or physically.  But spiritually is perhaps the easiest.  You see, all I have to do is elevate my eyes and He does the rest.   He lifts me up.  He helps me stand.  Not only stand, but take off and fly.  Soar.  Like the mighty eagle.  He is the lifter of my head.  He is the strength in my feeble arms.  He is mighty and without flaw.  He never sleeps nor slumbers and watches over His beloved CONSTANTLY.
There is so much going on in life.  A boy that I'm not sure where he is.  But God knows.  And He watches.  And He is mighty.  And He saves.  And protects.  My worry does absolutely zilch.  But God does immeasurable good.  Just for the asking.  He strengthens and gives hope.
I claim these attributes of God this morning.  For me.  For the many others that I know that are struggling.  With depression.  Bad relationships.  Being at loose ends and not sure what to do.  With laziness.  With complacency.  With hopelessness.  With dryness of soul.  I claim Jesus.  The lifter of our heads.  The mighty warrior.  The gentle lamb.  All of Him.  Not only parts.
He has always been the reason I can be.
I rise this morning.  Literally.  To face another day of work.  And more work.  And yet....today I remember to do it for His glory.  His renown.  Whatever I do whether in word or in deed...to do all for the glory of God.  Yep.  I know who I am.  I know whose I am.  I'm fine.

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