Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Forcing the Issue

Well, God has been speaking to me about getting rid of things.  Cleaning out.  Starting new.  I have the desire, but I have been tired.  However, an outbreak of those pesky bed critters.  Oh my goodness.  How could one seemingly little incident of trying to get my college boy returned home set up in a bed have caused such drama?
He awakened with a bug upon him.  Inspected.  Killed.  Moved to couch.  Bed bug.  Hmmm.  Borrowed bed.  Oops.  Well, we did all of the things in the corner of the room that he shares with his brothers...to get rid of the critters.  Oops.  Should have done the whole room.  It's the only room in our house with carpet.  Well, it seemed like it was working.  We kept looking in all of the little hiding places.  Kept routing them out. Was hopeful.  And then....apparently they migrated.  To the other corner.  My poor other son got up this morning with his arms eaten up.  I felt soooo bad.  So, whole room.  We need crime scene tape practically.  It is an event.  Washer and dryer are going nonstop.  Have to heat them.  Or freeze them.  Kill them.  We are determined.  And all of us itch.  Though the rest of us are fine.  Sympathy itching.  Freaking out itching.  My boys' room was a pit.  Piles of stuff.  But, we emptied some to the the backyard...to be gotten rid of.  Got big trash bags.
And as I was doing it, it was just a lot of work. But then I realized....it's time to get rid of things.  I've known.  Now, I'm being forced to act.  Sometimes God allows discomfort in my life to get me moving.  Pretty effective really. Makes me want to cut down on stuff.  A lot.  On clothes.  On books.  On...everything really.  And start again.  Start fresh.  So, I will.
New times are coming.  And, even from the "bad", good things can come!!!
I am growing!

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