Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Friday, August 2, 2013


my name is grace.  i've been blogging for quite some time about being a woman of god who doesn't have a perfect life.  a woman who has divorced her husband.  a woman who did so at the risk of everyone else.  and found it worth it.
there is not a day that goes by that i'm not thankful. oh, i question myself.  i wonder if i could be better.  but, then i remember.  i didn't rush.  i didn't hurry.  i prayed.  i gave all.
and i remember.  that i am relieved.  to see my kids grow and change.  and find their voices.  even when what they have to say is bitter.  they don't even realize that that also is my gift to them.  the ability to not agree.  to have feelings that are not happy.  i'm glad about that.
but when you read, you will see the rawness of emotion.  this is where i come to just put everything out there.  to work through.  and hope and pray that doing so helps others to work through as well.
not to push people to divorce.  i love seeing really, genuinely good marriages.  but....seeing truth.  embracing reality.  working through hard emotions.  it just seems like there aren't outlets for that.  people say, "go to a counselor".  and, that's certainly an option.  but i want relationships.  this blogging is as good as a counselor.  a place to put it out there.  to struggle.  to wonder.  but when another person is involved, i think it's nicer for it to be friends and family. people who are vested in our lives.  but that's only for me.  i've seen counselors do amazing things.  seen people heal,  never be ashamed or hesitant to go.
i'm still struggling.  i don't have answers, only experiences, prayers, hopes, worries, pain, joy.  all to share.
i hope that if you are facing any kind of abuse that you find help.  not just being hit....being harmed.  seek help.  i know it's hard to find online.  i tried.  it's especially hard in the christian realm.
bottom line.....god loves you.  dearly.  no matter what you are thinking or how you feel.

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