Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Dancing Along

life is not perfect.  sometimes it is downright difficult.  so many silly or troubling things can happen.  today, i spent six hours trying to straighten out a snafu with my bank and mortgage company regarding an electronic payment.  it was difficult.  but....it's just life.  stuff happens.  and the world doesn't end.  though someone called me....a friend...and told me that i was going to lose the house and i should use her attorney boyfriend and get a letter on legal head paper.  i was floored.  i don't assume that the worst is going to happen.  i was stressed.  surprised.  troubled.  but...not distraught.
i am dancing along.  not rich.  not ultra organized.  need to plan better.  should probably change some things.  but i'm happy.  content.  at ease.  when things happen, it's not as if the world is ending...as it was when i was married.  my ex couldn't handle any things.  dumped it all on me emotionally.  now, i have to carry it anyway, but i get to choose to have a different attitude.  i get to choose to pray.  and believe.  i get to choose to be thankful.
i had a great two weeks off.  i didn't worry about stuff.  i went and was happy to go.  i came back and was happy to come back.  i like my life.
i am filling out applications in oregon.  slowly.  i have time.
i wish i could go there and find a place for this older woman i know to live.  and have a nurse come in and do her care instead of her being in assisted living.  a beach house is the best assistance, i think.  surely it could happen.  i look for things with their own entrance or own little apt.  no luck on the water.  out of my price range.  but, i pray.  and i believe.  because it doesn't have to happen.  if it's in god's plan, then it will.  and i will be open to the changes he brings.  and if it doesn't, then he has a different plan that is for the best.
life is so much more relaxing knowing that god has my best interest and those of others close to his heart.
no fear.  i can be fearless because no matter circumstances, he is leading. holding. encouraging. loving.  i am learning all over again to receive that.  it is wonderful.

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