Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

How Productive Looks.

Went through loads of boxes today.  Getting that garage sale ready.  it's a lot more work than it seems.  and i am not good at doing it in an orderly, keep everything else neat fashion.  add to that a broken dishwasher and you can pretty much picture the scene.  Hey, I did make dinner tonight!  That's something.  Good dinner.  With meat, potatoes and veggies.  I know.  Then I sent my son for ice cream.  Still overwhelmed!  Lots and lots to do.  But I realized today that part of my stress is a trigger from the past.  The being afraid to make this mess.  Knowing that it would all just get put back.  Living with someone who had a great knack at making me feel horribly inadequate when I couldn't do all of this AND keep the house like becky home ecky.  And I realize that inside, I still hear that voice.  Those questions that were to let me know that I wasn't doing what he thought I should.  I was a disappointment.  To HIM.  That does not make me a disappointment.
I have a lot of paperwork to go through.  His love letters from other girls/women are in a box that I put aside to do while the kids are gone.  Lots to do.
And tonight, I'm not being active.  I am productive.  I am making it.  I am moving forward.  Tonight I am allowing myself to savor what I HAVE DONE rather than listening to his voice of all that I haven't done.  That's tough to do.  I was married a long time.  But, strangely, I guess it was just time to hear a new voice.  And the new voice says, "that's my girl, I'm so pleased with you."

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