Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Monday, July 15, 2013


a kite is like hope.  it soars.  is aloft.  colorful.  drifting.  the Spirit is the wind that carries it.  causes it to fly.  enables it to do what it is supposed to.  and i get to hold onto it.  enjoy it.  cling to it.  be mesmerized by how it dips and sways but stays in the blue sky.  held.  almost magically.
a kite without wind can fly.  but you have to run.  and run. and run.  and run.  and the moment you stop, it falls down.  that's how hope was with my ex.  i felt like i was always running to keep him trying to hope.  like he wanted me to make things better.  like i was frivolous to hope.  to believe.  to think that god was enough.  i should know that god helps those who help themselves kind of mentality.  and to be honest, i have bought into his training more than i wish i had.  i didn't mean to.  it's like being conditioned to believe something.  over and over and over again.
but.  not.  anymore.
HE has made all things new.  HE is making me new.  HE is faithful to complete this work that HE has started.  and i don't have to run anymore.  nope.  i look up and there is hope.  flying.  beckoning me to enjoy it.  to lay down on the grass and hold on....but to rest in it.
what a relief.  RELIEF.  that could have been my word of the year.  it explains how i feel more often than not!
again....just for the record.....coming home from my trip was as pleasant as going on it.  and i feel amazingly blessed by that!  deeply.  profoundly.  what a gift.
rest easy.

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