Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Tomorrow is the big US freedom celebration.  A country that is free.  Yet, full of people who are not really free.  Free politically.  Free in theory.  But bound.  By obligation.  By expectation.  By abuse.  Within the church, abuse is rampant.  I am much more aware now.  I see how insidious it is.  AND, I see how Jesus came for a different purpose.  He came that we might serve.  Not be enslaved.  Serving is done with love.  It is a gift.  It is done with respect.  Slavery has not respect.  No chance to say "no".
I am finding myself truly free.  Spiritually God has been allowing me to see His work.  To open my eyes to the hurts and the troubles of those who are being held back IN HIS NAME.  But that it's not His purpose to enslave.  He wants joyful servants.  Those who follow Him.  Who want to remain close because He is their breath.  He doesn't need a bunch of rule followers.  He needs a bunch of adorers.  With hearts tuned to Him.
I believed a lie for a very long time.  I believed that I would be less before God if I couldn't make my marriage work by praying and submitting and loving and serving.  I believed that God hates divorce.  I believed that God would hate me if I was divorced.  He is slowly freeing me from those fears.  From those ideas.  I am seeing how there is no greater nor lesser sin.  He save me from all sin. He knew how broken this world is.  He knew how broken I am.  Yet, He chose to love me.  He remains with me.  He freed me.  In every way.  And is actively still freeing me.
I celebrate this renewed life that has come at great cost.  And I am so very thankful.

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