Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

time to let go of stuff

i think that it's time to let go of stuff.  if it doesn't fit in my house then i shouldn't have it.  if i don't have a use for it, then i should pass it along.  except for all of the memorabilia.  that stays.  pics.  kid drawings.  writings.  those matter.  but it's about time to let go of having so very much.  it is stifling in how busy it makes me.  how overwhelmed.  how finding a place to put things becomes so very troublesome.  i want to live freer than that.
but sizing down in a world that wants more and more is difficult. it's hard to let go of stuff. hard to just let it go to someone else.  but.  i'm almost there.  i'm trying to begin.  it is emotionally tiring for me to face it.  i've done a lot of resting as i try to deal with it.  but, the strength is blossoming.  soon, i will throw off those things that hold me back and let go.  make room for newness.  but not a lot of stuff.  don't want a lot.
i need to let go.
i feel alone in it.  i am alone in it.  but i will go through it.  and i will be content.
and i will look for the perfect place to live.  to begin a life in a home that doesn't scream bad memories.  it is harder to set boundaries when you stay in the place you shared.  time to give myself credit for how well i have done with it and quit beating myself up which is what i've been doing the last few days.

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