Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

beautiful blessings

i have been purposefully looking for beauty all around me these last weeks.  and even snapping photos.  i call them my beautiful blessings.  taking time to notice beauty in the mundane, common parts of my life leads to greater thankfulness and joy.  i snap photos.  i post them.  for me.  to remind me.  today, as a storm cloud rolled in on high winds while the sun was still shining, the beauty was striking.

i am so very blessed.  by simple things.  my daughter had shouted, "look, the sky is purple."  it's amazing how thankful i am that my kids notice things.  are aware.  i taught them that.  from the time that they were small.  i'm glad that i did.  little things can make a hard day better.  but sometimes we don't even notice the good.  we take it forgranted.  fail to see.  or appreciate.
so, my beautiful blessings are important to me.
like seeing my kids getting along and accomplishing a task...even if the task is getting rid of a dead skunk from under the porch. :) and doing it with laughter.  beautiful blessing right there.

seeing the sunrise five days a week.  i leave home at 6:50 every morning to take my kids to school.  i see the sunrise most days.  it's fabulous.  though morning is not my favorite. :)  this is definitely a beautiful blessing.

my dear dog.  i have three.  this is my old man.  he is always near me.  we rescued him almost three years ago.  he was nearly 8 then.  love this dog.  ace.  my beautiful blessing.
beautiful blessings.  i look for them.  i am forcing myself to be conscious of those things and people that i sometimes take in stride and forget how much i love it...or them.  i forget to be consciously thankful and instead act as if it is my right to have this wonderfully blessed life.
to you.

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