Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

good enough

was looking in the mirror this morning.  getting ready.  as we all do.  hair. check.  eyes. check.  face.  check.  clothes. check.
and i decided that it was good enough.
and then i stopped.
and i realized that i NEVER look at myself and think WOW.
that's sad.
in an effort to not appear vain i think that women have bought into looking for their most hated features and criticizing them......instead of looking at themselves as a whole.  a whole person.  a beautiful person.
i was thinking today that for some people, i am the face of love.  i am comfort.  i am laughter.  and i need to start seeing myself like some of them might see me.
i need to start thinking of myself as beautiful.
not gonna be easy.
but i want to do it as a gift for my daughter.  because she will be middle aged one day.  and i want her to be more than just content with her body, i want her to be happy with it.
yep, i'm chubby.  yep, i'm gray.  yep, i'm a little wrinkled.  yep, my boobs are sagging.  yep, i've got cellulite.  yep, my eyebrows get too bushy.  yep, there are a lot of things that don't look like magazine models.  but i got to thinking today...who said that what they look like is the definition of beautiful?  couldn't beautiful be the woman that gave birth and nursed babies?  that played on the floor incessantly?  that got chubby making cookies and pudding with her kids?  that planned adventure?  that loved on people?  couldn't beautiful be the pounds that are carried from happy memories made?  i'm thinking that perhaps we are really warped about what beauty truly is...maybe so much so that we even fail to realize it.
so i'm going to try to remember what beautiful really is.  and yes, admit the things that are.  because the things that are don't mean that i am ugly or unacceptable.
going to work on this.  create a new self image.

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