Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Friday, January 17, 2014


sometimes..not very often...but in moments of reflection and vulnerability, i remember my young hopes and dreams.  i remember the family that i dreamed of.  the wife that i wanted to be.  the relationship i wanted to build with my husband.  i remember how i dreamed of serving together, ministering together, playing together, laughing, praying and enjoying life.  not problem free, but safe, comfortable and resilient. i believed.  truly believed.  that it would be a blessed thing.  a team.  working together. walking together.  memorizing verses.  sharing meaning.  i really believed it.  really.  not some fantasy about how stuff would be perfect.  i believed that by working through things we could be a witness.  a testimony.  hope.
though i had prayed about who i would marry.
though i prayed for years to be the woman that would actually make it..do it...
though i gave it all.
i wasn't enough to him.
wasn't even close.
he said words.
but he used me.
and sometimes, when i look back from here, it's very sad.  i had good motives.  i wanted to have a family where the kids felt special.  cherished.  i wanted to establish a heritage.
and i failed.
but god did not fail.
and though it's not what i hoped nor believed, my life can still be useful.  hopeful. encouraging.
but sometimes, when i look back on how optimistic i was, i feel simply foolish.
and then i feel thankful.
because being able to see good and hope for good is wonderful.  and though it doesn't always work out...sometimes it does.

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