Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

choose. again. and again. and....you get the idea

i choose today to be happy.  to create happy. within me.  within the life around me.  at my school.  in my class.  on my team.  in my building.  in my home.  in my circle.
choose it.  again. over and over.  minute by minute.  it's easy to choose something else.  but i choose to create something i love.  a life that i love.
and i've also had to choose again and again to let go.  to allow others space.  to be happy even if others don't ever do the reaching out.  the asking.  the checking up.  and really...i've found genuine peace.  though i have to remind myself.  it comes so naturally to ask, to invite, to try.  but giving space to others allows them freedom.  and it's good for me to release and not try all of the time.  and to learn how to be happy.  simply happy.  how to create peace and contentment.  it has been hard for me. i crave connection.  even a hug.  i long to be..actually wanted...for me.  missed when i'm not fully present.  but it finally sunk in..things changed.  it isn't easy or wonderful that they did, but it is true.  and i have to make my life in the new reality.
and choosing food.  good food.  healthy food.  i also slip.  eat candy.  or pop tarts.  or oreos.  but less.  not binging on them.  and eating a LOT of veggies.  three meals a day.  that's pretty awesome!  i'm proud of me.
proud of me.  that feels really good.  every time i make the choice to be happy.  to see the good.  it's fabulous.
so wonderful this life i live.  somehow, making the choice to live through it ALL...every little bit...good bits and troubling bits.  so wonderful.
and the only thing that has changed is purposefully choosing.
life is still....HARD.  there are things in days that i look back on and think, "wow, i'm really amazing for handling that so well.  i CHOSE well."  and when i fail, i just change it right that moment that i realize what i'm doing.
choose.  again and again.  each little decision.  for each decision to be happy in the moment adds up to a happy life.
each new day is a gift. choose.

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