Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


What a marvel.  I am finding that my belly is shrinking.  It's a shock.  I don't eat less.  I'm always eating at work.  But I eat better.  And I have added essential nutrients to my life.  The oil pulling is making my gums really healthy and my teeth are getting whiter by the week...that's so cool.  My skin is getting soft and supple and the bumps and blemishes are still diminishing.  The lemon water is great and oh so cheap.  I've now added coconut oil for all kinds of essential things...like hair conditioning.  And eating on toast.  That just cracks me up.  But it is energy giving and a good kind of fat.  It also is anti fungal and helps to build the immune system.  The better I eat...the better I want to eat.  Not because of a rule, but because my body craves good stuff.  I still don't love cold things for meals...like an orange at lunch felt chilly and I wanted something warm too.  But nuts feel ok.  hahahhaha. Nuts feel ok...I wouldn't know anymore.
But back to my belly.....I'm completely amazed.  A couple of vitamins and some minor changes and voila, my body changes.
Has been the same in my life.  Amazing what a little of the right kind of change can do.  Being happy agrees with me.  Though I'm not always in a happy place.  There are still a lot of hurts.  Like my ex inviting my daughter out ON the day of her bday without asking or saying anything.  It would have been fine, it just would have been nice.  But, she declined.  Likes to go to bed early on weekday nights.  They will do it on the weekend.
And the fact that there is absolutely nobody in my life that just calls me or writes me or...reaches out.  I'm still a little shell shocked by that.  How could I have spent all of these years and be in this place?  Because all of my energy was spent on the wrong things perhaps.  I need to grow and be comfortable before people may want to spend time with me or reach out to me again.  I am figuring out how to be ok with that.  Some days it is easier than others.  Most of the time, I am just busy living...and then I remember again that there's nobody to call me or check on me or to have it be their job to know what is going on in my life.  But, here's the thing....that means that I've already lived through some of the hardest things ever.  I've lost most of the people I loved in my family from my childhood to death already...and survived.  I have lost a couple of others to apathy on their part.  And I survived.  And though there will always be painful places, I feel no burden to fill them with the wrong people or wrong things.  I just have to let it be.  And keep living out the purpose for my life.  And I do have really nice friends.  Keep trying to let them be.  Not bug.  Not be clingy. Sometimes it takes nearly more self control than I possess seeing as how I am such a relationally motivated person.  I'm getting there though.  Because I don't want to simply be a taker.  I want to listen.  I want to love.  It's just another way that I need to be more healthy.  In my body, it's vitamins and good food...in relationships, it's learning to cut back and cut slack and give but not assume.  I love my friends.  They love me.  And I need to give them space to live and be happy and not be dragged down by my life stuff...which has been pretty intense.
Yep, belly is shrinking.  Fear is shrinking.  Neediness may not be shrinking exactly, but it's getting under control.  Faith is growing.  Hope is thriving.  I'm good.

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