Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Monday, February 18, 2013

I Rocked this Day

I rocked this day.  I didn't waste it.  I used every bit of it.  I awoke to a crying puppy at 430 am.  She went potty and went right back to sleep until 7 am.  I slept until 610...when my alarm went off because my phone didn't seem to know that it is President's Day.  I went back to sleep until 7 am...when again, I got up with puppy.  Got ready and took car for maintenance stuff.  Rented a rug doctor. Went home and cleaned up dog poop, visited with neighbor, took dogs on a mile walk.  Cleaned headlights on my car with toothpaste. Went in and helped my boys prepare their room for carpet cleaning.  Began the cleaning and then taught both boys so that they could keep on it while I ran to Wally World for light fixtures for their ceiling.  Came home and finished the carpet, put up three ceiling fixtures.  On a folding chair.  ha.  My grandpa taught me a long time ago.  I love you grandpa!!!  He knew that I could "do" stuff.  Made a yummy dinner.  Ran to store for stuff in the middle.  Oh yeah, and I bought myself clearance roses when I was at Wally World.  Quite pretty.  Took the kids to their youth group meeting.  Took puppy with.  Walked puppy around yard....three times.  Cut son's hair.  Took a hot bath after putting coconut oil on my hair for an hour to moisturize...it's soooo good.  Did laundry today.
Didn't clean my room.  Just ran out of steam....night night.

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