Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Conversation with God

If I could sit down with you tonight God, with a cup of tea and some cookies, I would talk to you about Mama D.  You know her so well.  Her fears.  Her hopes.  Her loneliness as she has faced life as a widow....though she loves and trusts you, she misses her other half.  She worries.  I know that you would laugh.  You have tried for so many years to take the worry from her.  To let her see that you have everything well in control.  She is so responsible.  So much she wants to be getting done right now.  Worries that she has on her heart and mind.  And her health is not good.  Please calm her.  Sit with her tonight. Calm her mind.  Bring back clarity and joy.  Could You help her not be afraid?  Give her a dose of courage and strength to carry her through this time?  She has stayed faithful.  She loves You.  But I know that she is weary.  These last few months have been hard on her.  Give her amazing peace.  Deep.  Abiding.  Let her soak in Your love and compassion.  Be enough for her.
What's Your plan in her life?  Will you please give her a picture.  Something that spurs her on and gives her purpose.  Be with her.  Her comfort.  Her warm blanket.
We're not ready to let go of her yet.  Though I know You have welcoming arms.  Please let her stay on here longer.  She has so much that she brings to the people around her.  And You have been still working through her.

Speak strength.  And hope.  And peace.  Let them soak into her.  Give her a song.
You are enough.  You are faithful.  I love knowing You.  Bless her with the presence of You...Your Spirit.  Let her be calmed by Your presence.  Cause her pain to be diminished or at least to become a source of her knowing that she is healing.  Help her to get up.  To move.  Strengthen her body.  Pump her heart.  Give her breath.  Give her the motivation to put her mind to what she needs to do to get up and get going.
I love her.  Respect her.  Know that her family needs her still.  Let her know that too.
Thank you for sitting here with me.  For listening.  For speaking, though on paper it looks one sided, Your voice has been heard.  You are enough.  You are willing.  Thank you.  For being You.  For not only listening, but understanding.
Thank you....so much.

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