Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Saturday, February 16, 2013


Meet Rosemary.  A little bundle of cuteness and joy.  A big commitment.  It was hard for me.  We have two dogs.  One is a senior citizen.  I adore him.  The other is my daughter's chihuahua.  I am glad that my daughter has her because she is a comfort to her...but though I like her, she is unruly.
I prayed about this decision.  Though it may sound silly.  Because it's a family member and I needed that right one.  I was so used to having to fight to do something like this, that I found myself shaking when we were getting her from the shelter.  Overwhelmed.  Cold.  Scared.  It was really hard for me to say yes to my daughter.  But then, I did.  I said yes.  I decided.  I decided to go for it though it was scary and though it won't be comfortable.  I decided because I needed to be able to say yes to something that has been on my daughter's heart for a long time.  A puppy.  Not a dog.  I love my DOG, by the way.  And, I realized this week that getting a puppy while I have the old man around to help train the newbie would be a good thing.  True dat.  She follows him outside.  Takes care of business.  Plays.  Doesn't fetch yet, obviously, but watches him do it and is fascinated.  She's a little baby.  Five pounds.    At the shelter they said that she might take time to socialize.  But she learns really fast.
My daughter and I took on the responsibility.  The boys not so much.  Not interested.  Want her...just no responsibility.  That's ok.  I knew that it was my job.  But, my oldest at home grinned when he saw her.  He said, "now our family is complete."  Sweet.
This was a big step for me.  Though I can barely explain why.  I had to overcome some emotions.  I had to get past the trauma of the past.  I had to understand that I could make a decision without defiance and hurt.  That I could decide and train and love...without any arguing or guilt or being told that I can't because I don't do anything else well enough.
But the hurdle looked huge.  I was sweating it out.  Then cold.  Then shaky.  Then....I decided.  Just simply looked at my daughter and said, "yes, you can have her."  I told her that I love her and understand how important this has been to her.  I did it.  And the hurdle shrunk.  Making next time I have to make one of these decisions easier.  Because now I know that when I actually decide, the anxiety will end.
Saying yes.  I like it.  I'm happy with it.  It's easier to say no.  But, there's such a short time left with my daughter....saying yes was totally fun.  For both of us.  And it was good for the boys too.  Thanks be to God.  Literally.

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