Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Friday, April 5, 2013

a sliver or a full bar

you know, i was thinking the other day about life.  about provision.  i was thinking how god has provided for me always.  how i love seeing him work things out.  and i realized that sometimes, when i have only a sliver of soap, i am so very thankful to have soap.  and how it always ends up being enough.  with more left over even.  and how when i have a full bar of soap, i love the bulky feel in my hand and enjoy using it.  how it feels like it will last forever.  money is much like that bar of soap is what i realized.  the sliver does the job because god deems it so.  and the bar is meant to be luxuriously enjoyed.  and then...i realized...there are times when i have extra bars and maybe some people have none.  maybe they don't even have a sliver.  and god can take my bars and give to the ones who need and everyone gets clean.  everyone has their needs provided.  not by god making more soap.  by god using the soap that is already there and moving it where it is needed.  or the money.  i am simply a vessel.  god gives or invests in me.  then he can take his investment and spread it around.
i have been having fun giving away that $700 ten dollars...or more...at a time.  got me thinking...maybe i could give away $7000.  i really don't know how because i don't make that much.  yet....i LOVE watching god work.  it blesses me to my deepest soul.  it's not like he runs out of soap.  he owns all of the soap in the whole world.  i'm sure that he can get me a sliver.  or a bar....when i need it.
don't get me wrong.  i don't think it's wrong to save.  don't think it's wrong to prepare.  i just think that i am at a place in life that he is showing me something different.  not to store up.  not to hold on.  to give.  to share.  to let go.  to let him provide the soap.  ;)

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