Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Did it

Today I filled out the paperwork to convert my legal separation to a divorce.  It took at least four tries.  It was stressful.  Have to fill in lots of blanks on three separate papers.  Not easy.  Not how I want to spend my day.  And I almost gave up.  Then, I went and bought more wine at the liquor store where I JUST began a "rewards" account last week.  I drank my three glasses of wine in five days.  Now, I'm having another.  Just so that you know that I'm not a drunk.  I'm on break and rather needing the relaxation wine at night.  My ex really did drive me to drink...when we were married...for a time there at the end.  But now, it's just a way to wind down sometimes.  Every few months.  Anyway, I digress. ;)  I filled out the paperwork this evening after stopping at the liquor store to get my wine and giving my name for the rewards and hearing them say is that "exes name and Grace"?  I nearly freaked.  I said, "no, just Grace."  She said, "ok".  Then I asked her why there were both.  Apparently he set up an account too...at some point.  It was creepy that my name was on it too.
He also got mail from Unbound...a ministry for men addicted to pornography.  Nice.  I trashed it.  It's here in our town.  Great....
Anyway, it has been a tough one.  But a good one too.  I'll get a good night's sleep and it will be much better!
So glad to be able to say that the paperwork is done.  Whew.  Better than having to think about doing it.  Way better.  Relief.  I hate the paperwork.

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