Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

I am brave.

I am brave.  Kind.  Compassionate.  I am growing.  I managed to do stuff with my son this weekend that didn't mean that I yelled back.  I'm learning calmness and peace.  I am learning to hear their frustration.  Even when it hurts.  I am learning to give them time.  To give guidance but also to wait.  I am learning to honor the journey of my children as their own unique journey that will look like nobody else's.  I am learning to let God guide them.  Personally.  To step back a little.  Not in love or support, but in the rest.  In letting them have choices and control.
Yet demanding respect.  To be a mom.  Not just a buddy.
And...I am brave because I am learning to tell people who push me...."no".  I can tell them that I can't do more or can't do it.
And I am brave because I can back out of things.  Like that class I knew was too much....I have decided to bail on it.  Too much other.
And I'm brave because I stayed at church instead of bolting when my ex sat in my row.
And I am brave because I seek joy.  And peace.  And happiness. And forgiveness.  And because I refuse to revel in bitterness.
I am brave because I don't just choose the easy way.
Because I pray and am carried.  I am fearless.  I stand up when I want to cower.  I stood in front of the church today waiting for my kids inside...and I STOOD...though I'd had a rough morning and would have felt better curled in a ball crying.  Really.
I am brave to reach out though none say "things would be better if you were here."  Or similar things.....
And I am brave because I am willing to sign for my son and his friends in their new living adventure.  I show trust.
I am brave.  Yes I am.

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