Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Working Through Stuff

Sometimes I wonder when I'll be done working through the twenty years of my marriage.  I have residual fears.  Today, I am going to file paperwork to turn my legal separation into a divorce.  I woke up at three struggling.  i didn't know why.  I was unreasonably afraid.  I kept thinking, "I don't want to poke this bear right now."  Then, I let myself off of the hook that I didn't have to do it.  That I could sleep.  That I could do it or not.  I was thinking about waiting because he is going to give me the addresses that he has and I don't for his family.  I was thinking about waiting because I know that he'll tell his family and it could make graduation even harder on my son.  I was thinking about waiting because I was afraid of how he would respond.  I was afraid of what it would do to graduation.  Of how it could hurt my son.
Then, I went to sleep thinking, "I don't have to do it right now."  Waking up, the thoughts were still with me.  The wonderings.  The fears.  And then...revelation.  I certainly never want to be married to someone that causes me this much fear and anxiety.  It was so much a part of my life in my marriage to make things right, to keep them smooth, to choose the right moment....that I hadn't even realized what I was doing!  I'm not married to him and I was STILL trying to behave in a way that didn't make him angry.  That didn't make him make choices that will hurt his son.  I was STILL covering for him.  Without even a thought.  And I thought about how it would hurt him to just get the paperwork in the mail.  Because yes, I still care about hurting people.  Yes, even him.  I decided that when I do it, I would email first.  Let him know that it was coming.  Sweet peace.  Owning what I'm doing without apologizing for it.  Then, I thought, "why not now?"  So I emailed and told him.  Now it's not hanging over my head.
There's still stuff to work through.  But what I realized today is that I don't have to work through HIS stuff.  Just mine.

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