Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Friday, April 5, 2013

No bull...or maybe a little

 Here we go.  Trying new things.  Only thing was....I COULDN'T get on!  Ha.  I hurt my back awhile back and lifting that leg while the ground around sunk...well, it just wasn't happening.
But that didn't keep me from....laughing.  Really hard.  I was trying. But then....my rescuer came.  In the form of a friend.  See those feet?  Yep, that's a friend on her hands and knees helping me to get on the bull.

 And I took her up on her offer.  Not a hand.  She actually let me step on her to get where I needed to go.  To help me do something new.
 Still trying.  Working on it.  Trying to have some sense of dignity. Ha.  None of that going on.  I just had to take a breath and decide to DO it.  Did I mention that I was terrified?  That I couldn't believe that I was getting on a bull that was going to buck and go round?

Nothing like having every moment photographed.  In all my glory.  Yep, there's my friend.  With me planted firmly on her back.  Holding on to the little bitty rope on the "saddle".  I dragged myself up.  While we all laughed.  I love that laughing is so good for the soul

 Finally on.  And all that I can think is that I do NOT want to fall off.  I do not.  Scary.  So, I concentrated on holding on.  But mostly on balance.  Staying centered.
I didn't look good, but I stayed on all thirty seconds.  

 Yes, it's on easy.  And yes, I'm holding on for dear life.
Nobody else knew that I was celebrating living.  Being alive.  Really alive.  Trying.  Doing.  Risking.  All wrapped up in this little activity.  My kids asked me to do it.  I did it.  

I didn't do it on my own.  My friend jumped in there to help me.  How like life this was.  The risk.  The friend.  The trying.  The being willing.  The having courage.  And then...holding on for dear life for the ride.  Trying.  Knowing that I might fail.  Might fall.  Might be embarrassed.  But, guess what?  I didn't.  I added one more thing to things that I have tried in my life.  And that's awesome.  Love it!

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