Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Going Into the Closet.

I have to say that I have heard of people being afraid to "come out of the closet"...but not of going in.  Me?  I have had the hardest time going into the closet.  I have a pile of stuff that I need to organize and put away.  Hang up....you know, move in?  But once I got it cleaned out, I have refrained from returning to the closet.  Until today.  I decided this morning to walk in.  To take a deep breath.  To hang some things up.  I think that there are about five things hanging now.....not sure, I haven't been back in.  I figure that in time it will get better.  And, really, I have no reason to have to rush.  I have all of the time that i want.  Of course, the chaos that the house is in made it harder to know that the nearly ex was in the house.  Awkward.
But, the thing about the closet is that it was so about him.  I am figuring out how to make it mine.  Of course, I could just go with this pile that is in the middle of the floor...that's how I did it in high school. ;)
I guess that I'm just saying that weird things take time and take a toll.  It was eight o'clock and I was exhausted.  Weird, but true.  And weirdly enough, I'm ok with that.  I'm ok with learning how to have new routines.  How to relax a bit.  How to listen to what my body actually needs.  I kind of find it refreshing.  Though it's a really hard way to figure all of this out.
So, my big goal is to go into the closet.  What's yours?  What is keeping you from it?  Hope you find your way.  Find your courage.  Find your voice.

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