Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Monday, October 17, 2011


I am learning that boundaries don't just have to do with what I want others to do or what I need/should do or not do with others.  Boundaries also include the things in life that I am comfortable doing.  That complement what I am about becoming.  Once upon a time I had a chiropractor that said that my pain was so bad because my body wouldn't/couldn't turn off because instead of resting, pulling back, taking it easy, recovering, I pushed ahead and worked through the pain.  Apparently that can really mess up the body.  I lost the sense of knowing when to stop.  That's a part of boundaries that I have to set for myself.  Part of that is my decision about where I'll work.  It's not that I am unable to go to any school and make a go of it.  It is simply that with so much on my mind and heart, it is an added stress that I do not need.  I have one school that I was requested by a woman for all of her sub jobs this year....after teaching with her at summer school.  I have another school where the teachers know me because I was their para last year.  And another school where I was also a para.  And, that's enough.  At least for now.  I'll try to get more jobs in those places, but when I don't have as much, I will enjoy taking the time to rest.  To enjoy my home.  To read.  To nap.  I know.  Decadent sounding.  Cleaning house also.  But, I simply need time.  I feel like an accident victim.  Weary.  Hard to get up.  Distracted.  Emotional.  And, I need to address that.  I need to set the boundaries for what I expect of myself.  Not perfection.  Not everything.  Just those things that grow me and help me to become the person I am supposed to be.  Not afraid to try new things, but not feeling that I must do so on every front.  I need the boundaries to protect myself from going back to simply trying to please.  I need them so that I can evaluate how I am doing.  I need them so that I can get better. 
grace to you.

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