Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

In the Chill

Mornings around here are getting quite chilly.  And, much of the time, I live in a state of "chilled" anyway...with emotions demandng much usage of my bodily processes, it means that my body actually gets cold.  But, this morning as I am sitting here in the chilliness, I am thinking about how nice it is to be chilly....to wrap up in a blanket.  To have a fire.  To drink coffee, tea or cocoa.  How wonderful and good.  How pleasant the things that come WITH being chilly can be.  If I seek warmth.  And that is true emotionally too.  If I seek warmth in the promises God has made.  In the kindness of those who care.  In the joy of exercise.  hahahaha.  I used joy and exercise in one sentence...if you knew me you would know that they would be things that aren't usually categorized together.  Oh, I like it ok when I get going, but it's not the thing that I bounce out of bed hoping to do.  Anyway, I digress....The point is that when the cold comes, there are choices.  So, I can curse the cold and stay in my tank and shorts, or I can take steps to get warm again.  Layer up.  But, don't build barriers.  Get out and get going.  But don't stay busy simply not to focus on what needs to be thought about.  Pray.  Without ending.  All of the time.  From the depths of the soul.
For, though I cannot choose to END the chill, I can choose what to do about it.  I can take actions that  warm me.  That help me to function.  That heal me. 
grace to you.

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