Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Thursday, September 26, 2013


I am still laughing.
I was at work today when a woman came up to me and said, "I bet that you are the kind of mom that goes home and makes cookies for your kids."  Snort.  Guffaw.  Really?  I think quickly and then blurt out the truth.  "No, usually I go home and my teens and I discuss whether we really need a veggie or not.  Or, if we're having veggies...or popcorn and ice cream...or whatever...whether we need something else. We're pretty laid back at this point."
Then I came home today.  And I managed to make goulash.  AND broccoli.  AND cut up apples.  And we sat around the kitchen counter that has become our comfy spot to eat and talked "shop".  Everyone talks about their day.  What happened.  What's going on.  How school is.  How whatever was happening yesterday was resolved.  And we laugh so hard that I have a belly ache almost every night after dinner.  I told them about the cookie question and they almost fell off of their stools. And I said, "but I don't like my cookies, I like (insert friend's name) cookies.  And we all agreed.  Then, my daughter said, "but you make us other desserts....."  She was sweet.  She knows that the whole "making cookies" thing is what people equate with being a good mom.  With being present and loving.
Well, I was quite present.  I went on to tell them what I learned about bacteria from an 8th grade teacher today.  Bacteria are very present in our bodies.  As in, they are MOST of what makes us up.  AND, in the digestive tract, they keep everything healthy.  I knew that.  BUT THEN SHE SAYS, "they are doing poop transplants in people with cancer and diseases of the digestive tract and it is HEALING the recipients to have the healthy bacteria introduced."  Of course, this was too good to keep to myself.  I had to share it after we ate and were sitting around.  And it would just springboard from there...."will they pay us to buy some"  "I'll sell mine."  "here, I've got two pounds..." and the general, "ewwww"  and "can you imagine how it smells in the "operating room?"  My kids make me laugh.  And I make them laugh.  And we love sitting around together.  They are totally awesome.  TOTALLY.
And I am so very happy.  Over the top happy.  I love my life.  And no, I'm not the mom who comes home and makes cookies.  I'm not even the mom who interacts for the whole entire night.  But they are good with that.  And....we have found our happy place.  Our peaceful home.  We have found joy again.  Just in being.  In loving.  And, no...I'm not THAT mom.  I'm just me.  Cookies or no cookies, I couldn't love my kids any more.
"Do you make cookies when you get home?" hahahhahahahahhahahaha breath hahahhahahhahahahhaa. Seriously?  no way.  I'm exhausted when I get home.  I don't make that great of cookies.  But I make good pie.  Cheesecake.  Crisp.  Cobbler.  Turnovers.  Eclairs.  I've got skills.  But that's not what binds us together...it's so very much more.

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