Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


I don't need credit.  I do need appreciation. I don't need to be taken care of.  I do need to be cared for.  I am learning about me.  And this week has brought out  some things.
The big event that my daughter helped to spearhead made us both aware of the fact that we like to help people.  We like to begin it.  We like to participate.  But we don't feel it necessary to have our name in lights.  As a matter of fact, NOT having it so is more comfortable.  Yet, it doesn't mean we want not to be seen at all.  But we both are happy to simply be appreciated by those who are close to us.  We don't need to be advertised to the public at large.
I am fascinated that she felt the same way.  We stood back on Monday and watched the whole, huge, successful event unfold, and we were happy.  We felt success.  I was proud of her.  She felt proud.  And others were interviewed for the paper.  And others had their names in lights.  And my daughter got kind of left out of any credit whatsoever when the moment came.  When the paper interviewed.  When the story was told.  So, she and I talked about it.  She didn't care.  She is doing what she feels needs to be done.  She knows that a handful know what she felt was needed.  That she wanted to do that "party".  She knew that she worked her bum off.....and has done so ever since in other ways.  But, when we realized that she didn't get any of the credit, she said,  "I'm really ok with that."
I'm really ok with that too.
It doesn't mean that we don't love being appreciated by people close to us.  Being seen for who we are and what we do. It just means that once the deal is done...we are happy to move along.
I rarely think of ways that my daughter is like me.  I'm glad that she has this trait.  Though it will make it hard.  Because being ok with not being publicly recognized or being in the spotlight is not the same as being ok with being invisible or unappreciated.  And sometimes people close to us forget that.
Proud of my girl.  She has rocked not only work, but attitude.  She is so mature for her young years.

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