Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


I have talked about processing.  About working through.  Maybe I haven't said enough how I have worked really hard with my kids to give them words to show them that we indeed are not in control of what happens but we are in control of how we respond.  I have tears in my eyes right now as I write and think about how they just said that they are going AGAIN tomorrow to help flood victims.  They are feeling that sense of community.  Of being empowered by helping.  Of making people smile just a little bit.  They are so very sore.  They cut and hauled out wet carpet and pad today.  AFTER they moved a massive mound of wet stuff from the yard to the street AND finished emptying the basement.  They played with the pad, slinging it around.  They laugh.  They work.  They show up.  Though it's uncomfortable to a degree.  They are nervous about tomorrow.  Going without their youth pastor.  Going without the church crew...new crew....new experience.  Yet, still willing.  And that does something to my heart.  My prayers, my hopes...all somehow answered.  They may or may not be stellar students.  They may or may not be people who make a lot of money.  They may or may not be able to quote a hundred scriptures.  But they are learning to LIVE OUT THEIR FAITH.  They are showing what it means to be selfless.  Quite frankly, they are teens and would rather sit on their butts with electronics than slosh through the mud hauling stuff.  But they are CHOOSING sacrifice.  They are CHOOSING selflessness.  They are CHOOSING to be the hands and feet of the LIVING GOD.  And their actions speak more loudly than any sermon.  Their actions show more love than any amount of money.  Their kindness highlights the power of God to change lives.  To bring hope.  To use kids to bring Him glory.
I am simply wowed.  I weep over the fact that they are not only willing, but they are determined.  They are the people I always dreamed they would be.  They care.  They don't just read and quote the Bible....they are living out the precepts in this time.  Feed.  Serve.  Care for.  Wow.
I am the most blessed mama ever.

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