Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Monday, September 2, 2013

parenting better

i have been a lazy parent.
granted, i have had some stuff to deal with, but nonetheless, i owe them more than that.  i owe them a routine.  i owe them good habits.  i owe them teaching.  i did it with my olders.  my middle one got a bit lost in the crisis times.  but, it's not too late to start again.  to do better.
i have not given enough thought to the teaching.  to the chores.  to the making sure that i meet MY responsibilities for things like meals and having a plan and a schedule.
i pray.  we have muddled through at times.
it's not that we're not ok.
i want better.
i want to be a parent that is worthy of the amazing kids i've been blessed to have.
so.  i spent my day trying to get things in order.  as a matter of fact, i spent the many last weeks of summer doing so.
we are going to begin anew.
i am going to rest more than i used to...because i need it.
but, i am also going to be more purposeful and gently leading.  guiding.
i pray for the grace to lead them not to religion.  the grace to see the living god.  in his holiness and majesty.  in his completeness.  not in a punishment mode of "you better get into his word."  but in a guiding mode that shows that he will meet you anywhere.  that he hears every prayer.  that he longs to be daddy.
a real daddy.
always proud of them.
always willing to lead and hold.
always willing to pick up.
i want to parent like he parents me.
with joy.
and peace.
and kindness.
but....not with no expectations or hopes.  high expectations.  with an open heart to hearing their dreams.
i don't want to warehouse or showcase or manage.....i want to parent.  

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