Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

the humor in the horror

i had something happen this week that didn't happen to me, but won't leave my brain.  and it's bad because i have a very active imagination.  really active.  and a mind that constantly asks questions and wonders.
i have this friend that is quite a woman.  she sets boundaries.  she determines what she wants most.  she does what she says she is going to do.
recently, she has decided to be committed about going to a tuesday morning bible study though it means giving up potential income as a substitute.  she wants to be faithful.  it's something that i admire so much.
yesterday was tuesday.
yesterday i was at work.
yesterday she was at bible study.
a woman's bible study.
at a church that she has gone to for twenty years.
one of those kind of bible studies with the meet and greet coffee and snacks time at the beginning.
did you get the part where i'm at work?
my friend is divorced.
i get a text:  at bible study "unnamed person" just came up and told me she understands why i left "ex husband's name" said she slept with him and hes stalked her not sure how much to believe since she said all he wanted was sex.
yes.  i really was at work.  with children.  i had picked up my phone to carry it outside where we were going to do our read aloud.  really.  i read this with 29 children looking at me.
i know the woman that was talking to her.  she's much older than us.  by....12 years or so?  and she was really mean to my friend when my friend divorced her husband.  she's...haggard.  she's.....odd.
this woman came up to my friend at the coffee cart at the bible study that my friend has determined to faithfully attend to tell her...out of the blue...that she had sex with her ex.  and i just keep picturing it in my mind.  all of the prim women there.  in their church clothes.  having a little snack.  having a little pre-study chit chat.  and this woman drops this bomb right at the coffee cart.  not in a private moment.  with no warning.
i have this picture etched into my mind of my friend.  mouth open.  cup tipped.  look of shock.  but trying to be polite...after all, it's at BIBLE STUDY!!  and this woman just going on and on.  because she didn't drop the bomb and move on.  no.  when someone interrupted to get coffee, she waited.  and then she continued on!
and i have so many questions i would have wanted to ask her.  when?  where?  how was it for you?  did you initiate it or did he?  what was it like?
seriously, my mind works like this because i've never had sex with someone that someone else i know has had sex with as well.  and i'm...curious.  really, i am.  i'd want to know what she did and if he was more satisfied.  i would want to know the timing and whether he was still married to me...i'm sure he was legally even if he was separated. i'd want to know why in the world she wanted to tell me and certainly why it had to be at the coffee cart.....at the bible study.
but it wasn't me, so alas, my questions will go unsaid.
but i have this image in my mind of him and her...and frankly i just can't get it out. her...so saggy and like an aged hippy and him being all macho like.  and the whole thing of my friend's ex naked and doing the horizontal hula with anyone would be quite a thought, but with this woman...i just can't shake the image. and it makes me laugh.  and seriously, the word "coffee"  just kinda gets me going at this point.  giggling.  i may never be able to go to that coffee cart again.
then there's the other side.  the side that wants to go kick him and tell him that it wasn't ok.  and how dare he act like mr christian changed man while sleeping with someone old enough to be my friend's aunt.  and how he should just own his behavior instead of being mr. pious because nobody really cares if he's dipping his wick somewhere else.  it's not that big of a loss.  he's not that big of a loss.
and i want to tell the woman that she is a jerk for dumping that on someone.  and is she trying to "friend" my friend by a shared common bad sex experience?  you know, that's not how it's usually done at the church coffee cart.....just sayin'.
but alas...all i can do is try to contain myself and keep my imagination in check and not picture the illustrated cartoon entitled "a day at woman's bible study".  who ever knew that a coffee cart could be so fraught with danger?
guess there's often humor in the horror.  wait, i did say horror and not.............ok, time for me to stop.

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