Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

dear ex husband

dear ex husband,
if you are trying to prove that you have turned over a new leaf.  that you are a new man.  that you finally get it.  well, frankly, you should try making your kids feel valuable by time spent.  by moments shared.  by being their dad.  making them feel important.  showing up when you say you will.  letting them know that they have priority.
you should pick up the phone and actually talk to them.  you should meet their needs with less regard to your wants.
but, instead, you let them meet your needs and let their successes feed your self pride.
you must feel so puffed up with so many church people lapping up your victim status and tsk tsking over how hard it must be for you to hardly see your children.  but the truth is still the truth.  i don't have to blast it for it to remain the truth.  you don't parent.  you showcase.  you play.  you show them off.  when you look at them, your heart doesn't melt.  you aren't in awe of them.
you say how you've changed.  you ask people to pray for restoration of our marriage.  really, could you pray to develop a sense of compassion?  could you delve into the whys that you landed here in the first place?
we have a son that tries so hard to meet your needs.  to do what you want.  to take care of you.  and you?  you take him forgranted.
i feel pity for you.
you are living a lie to make yourself look good to all of the wrong people.
it's not a contest, a sport.  the church people aren't fans to gain adoration from.  it's parenthood.  it's laying down our lives.  it's being interested.  it's caring.  it's more than "providing".  it's providing self worth.  it's giving unconditional love.  it's caring enough to ask hard questions.  it's helping them to be ready to fly.
you take.  you say you love because you like what we give to you.  but love isn't boastful or proud.  it holds others up rather than smashing them down to hold yourself up.
you have changed....you're even more charming than before to the public at large.  it doesn't help.  i've got my b.s. glasses on.

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