Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

saying no

i have been thinking for several days about the ability to say no.  it's necessary in order to set boundaries.  it helps us to define what is ok and what is not.  but, i've realized that this growth is of absolutely no value to who i want to become if i don't realize the companion ideal.  learning to say no to myself.  now, it's tricky.  i don't have to say no to myself to please everyone else.  i don't have to say no to myself to make things easier on everyone else.  but....i do need to learn to say no to myself so that i can become a person who honors jesus.  i need to say no to myself in order to make time for others.
you see, i could say yes to my every whim and wish.  to sit around and eat bon bons as it were.  to wwatch shows all day.  to always get enough rest.  to always have more or enough.  to put what i fancy at the center of how i decide what to say yes to and what i say no to.
but, if i want to be a woman after god's own heart.  if i want to be a woman that honors the ideals of serving the widows and orphans...then, something has to give.
sometimes my no has to be to myself.  "no, you don't need another day in bed resting and relaxing."  or "no, you don't need to watch shows."  or "no, you don't need more ice cream."  sometimes, it is imperative that i get time to rest.  time for me.  like today. i got my kids from church, we ate...and we all agreed that we are totally worn out and going to sleep.  i was out for several hours.  but sometimes, the nap is a luxury.  it's not what i need.  sometimes, i need to say no to myself and get up and go out and haul stuff for people. or mop the floor.  or do the laundry.  i need to say no to myself in order to say yes to the person that i really want to become.
and i think that this is important for me to teach my kids.  and other kids.
self denial isn't what we do to simply please others.  we do it to have ourselves molded.  we do it to realize the greater thing that takes grit and determination.  and it is only effective if we know when to say yes to ourselves as well.  yes to truly taking care of ourselves.  but not simply indulging ourselves.  indulgence is good sometimes.  not as a daily routine.
i am learning.  again and still...it's balance.
i am fearlessly going forward and learning.

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