Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

helping the needy

i've changed.  i see things differently.  i see how christians can be perceived by the world around.  because i see it now.  i got an email from my old church saying how the leadership staff had met to pray for our community and how they could meet the needs in the aftermath of the flood.  they began a sign up list for people to sign up to help.  they prayed.  they said that it was an opportunity to show jesus. the created a program.  they joined in with other organizations.
but...they didn't just open the doors.  they didn't pull people off of the streets.  they didn't just go where the people are.  they didn't just respond humanely.  it feels like a business rather than the heart of god.  church is not business.  church is a body.  a living breathing entity designed to do the works of jesus.
and i am a displaced church body part.  yet, i want to serve.
i've done hard things today.
reached out.
i want to show love.
i don't have an ulterior motive.
just to feed.
to give.
to love on.
to meet the needs of the heart.
to see.
to do.
just a little.
but something.
and i see how hearing christians say that they are praying about it when there's an obvious need right at their door must seem so hypocritical.
they don't mean it badly.
they have just forgotten to be in the world.....but not of it.
i had to go through some tough stuff to get it.
but i do get it.
and though it's hard...i'm glad to see a little clearer.   just a bit.
we don't have to ask god what to do when he has already made it clear.  help the needy.  feed the hungry.  comfort the helpless.  clothe the displaced people.  i think that he already has a precedent.  all we have to do is do it for each person/group that comes into our presence.
and open up our lives to them.

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