Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Friday, September 16, 2011


The fog had rolled in during the night.  I awoke to a world blanketed in gray.  But, the light had come.  It was time to arise and brave it to take the kids to school.  The talk about the fog was intriguing.  How it was denser in parts.  How we had to slow down, be cautious, but not stop.  Not to stop in the middle of the road because you would get hit from behind.  Then, gloriously, as we entered the foothills town where there school is, the sun was shining brightly.  And we got to talk about how the sun is always there...even when we can't see it for a time. 
I feel like my life got caught in a fog.  But the Son was still shining.  Still there, awaiting the time when I would come out of the fog and into the bright shining sun again. 
It's easy to get overwhelmed by fog.  By circumstances.  It's easy to stop.  To think that the risk is too great.  But, really, it's not.  It's just as great a risk, and perhaps more, to stop where you are.  You can be hit from behind.  Injured.  Unexpectedly.  All because you fear moving forward due to lack of visibility.  Just as surely as that sunshine awaited me this morning...and even moreso....there is sunshine on the other side of emotional and relational fogs.  It is there.  And sometimes we just need someone to remind us how bright the sun is.  How beautiful.  How fresh. 
This is that reminder.  For you.  For me.
grace to you.

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