Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I can approach any situation positively.  Even those things that are hurtful, hard to understand or unfair.  First of all, I can positively identify that God is indeed still in charge.  That I have never had any control over any situation and that I never will.  Hard for us mom types.... Then, I can admit that I need help and prayer.  Tell the truth.  I think that when things are the hardest it is way too easy to not admit what is wrong.  Especially when the hurting "thing" is someone in our family.....mother, father, child, spouse.  It's like as people we feel responsible for keeping all of those relationships perfect.  Even when they are not, we like to let them look lie it.  (See number one idea about not having control....) 
When I let others in, not to gossip or simply gripe, but to literally share my heart at the very depths...fears, wonderings, hopes, desires, mistakes, shortcomings....whatever there is, then I open up a positive dialogue that invites healing.  It's easier for me to close it off.  To say that sharing about those in my family is wrong.  Gossip is malicious.  It is not simply sharing our hearts and asking others to help us leave it to God....it's having to share everything with EVERYONE.  Or share only the parts that make us look good.  When Timothy sent a report about the churches, it wasn't gossip....even though there were some bad things laid out.  When Paul wrote to the churches, he talked explicitly about some very personal things, and it wasn't gossip.  Gossip is when you want to tear down, not help.  Frankly, I can go either way and do want to always be cautious.  But, I find myself closing people out when I should be letting in light and truth and love and help. 
I am positive of this...God gave me some amazing people with amazing prayer lives, sensitive hearts and wise words for a reason.  And....He also gave me people with the kind willingness to hear me.  If I want to find a way to be more positive, more healthy and more balanced, I am going to have to learn to share the right way and without guilt.  Pray for me.  I'm praying for you.
Grace to you.

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