Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Monday, January 7, 2013

fiercely fearless

I am protecting my word of the year fiercely.  Holding it dear to my heart.  A blessing spoken to me.  Over me.  A word whispered from the Divine.  A promise.  A hope.  Truly, I am not fearless.  I am oft terrified.  I am overwhelmed.  I am without a shred of courage.  Often, I have a sense of utter hopelessness that I will ever feel "normal" again.  I got so used to being trod upon.  Beaten down.  Not believed in.  Ridiculed.  And yet, this word FEARLESS echoes through every cell of my being.  It settles down and makes itself at home in my heart.  Seemingly oblivious that it is keeping company with such odd companions...such as terror and worry.  It speaks with me daily and wakes me up in the morning.  This word is a treasure.  A welcomed guest.  And I hardly know how to entertain it.  But, protect it and cherish it I do.  A gift from God Almighty.  An answer to the unspoken weeping of my heart.  I don't even know how to BE fearless.  But I know how to be His.  And He is telling me that is enough.  Wherever I am weak, that's ok, He will be enough.  HE will be fearless on my behalf.  He will live in me and through me.  He will lift me and carry me.
And fearlessness takes hold.  I speak words and I write words.  I think thoughts that I hadn't dared to think before.  And I believe...that this word....this gift....will have healing powers.  Not because it is magic.  But because He gave it to me.  Like the blessing spoken over a child.  The dedication of an infant.  I have been blessed.  I have been dedicated.  To fearlessness.  For His purpose.  In His mercy.
I exult.  I dance.  I sing.  I celebrate.  I glory.  I smile. I jump.  I rest.  I in Him.  He in me.  Together.  Fearless.

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