Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Never too far for grace

Someone who commented on my facebook post said that I say that I want to live in grace but that it doesn't mesh with God's plan since I am saying that I want to move forward with grace and divorce at the same time.  I am realizing that I have had to learn some really hard truths.  One is that I am never too far to receive grace and I am never too far to share grace.  It has nothing to do with sin.  Because grace exists because there is sin.  I don't mean that we should sin willy nilly and just say "grace covers it".  But, we sin.  Period.  Intentionally.  Unintentionally.  Continually.  Habitually.  By what we do.  Fail to do.  Want to do.  In thought.  In action.  In inaction.  I am learning what a sinful being I truly am.  And how God already knew that and met me there.  How grace looked ugly...a cross.  A death.  A burial.  But finally glorious.  I can't say I get it.  Feels like I see this wee bit.  But what I can say is that I CAN and I WILL learn to live out grace.  I will give it.  I will receive it.  And I gave it to my husband over and over.  And in a way that is difficult to explain, I am giving it to him even now.  Because I am keeping him from committing anymore painful acts against me.  And that is kind.  To stop bad things from happening.  And it is kind to speak truth.  Not always pleasant.  But I think that until the church gets the idea that God gets all of the ugly broken things in the world and doesn't need them covered up or hidden....until it is safe to talk about them.....the church will be a place that people who are hurting have to flee from in order to heal.  That saddens me.  If my story can help people move from legalistic, in a box, ideals to seeing people right where they are with eyes of love...then, my story can be used.  Will be used.  May it be so.

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