Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Monday, January 21, 2013


A night out with the girls.  It always feels more complete when we laugh.
I mean, it wasn't incessant, crazy laughter as it sometimes is.  But it was just silly, making fun of life, talking things through, laughing at each other and circumstances kind of laughter.  It was the kind of laughter that heals wounds.  
It lasted in the craziness that ensued even as we walked to our cars.  LOUDLY.  It was midnight.  These "ladies"  are all in their forties.  And they were loudly making comments.  It was like everyone had given themselves to simply BE and DO and RELAX.  That part alone made me smile. 
And, no...we hadn't even been drinking.  Just some Sprite and some coffee.  A few snack foods that didn't include special brownies.  To my knowledge, everyone was stone cold sober.  But, there have been several times when I was out in public with girlfriends that we've laughed so hard and been so silly that people have assumed that we must be drunk.
My friends are not perfect.  They have crazy complicated lives. They have suffered a lot of pain.  They have faced difficult decisions.  Each one exhibits an amazing resilience.  A clinging on to hope.  Against all despair.  And...they laugh.  Not just chuckle.....LAUGH.  They make fun of the horrible things that life throws at them.  And it is healing.  Being with them is healing.  Even when it's also wearing...because of the huge emotional baggage that exists.  
But, they KNOW that they have it.  And they deal with it head on.  Praying.  Sharing.  Giving.  Laughing.  Talking.  Telling.  Speaking truth.  Being open.  
They are not consumed by the hurts.  Rather, together, and as individuals, with God in the lead, they take on the hard feelings and circumstances with courage.  With grace.  I am amazed by my friends.  I am blessed.

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