Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Monday, January 21, 2013

You Cannot Fail. I Cannot Fail.

What would I do?  If I could not fail?  Because, I cannot fail.  I do not fail.  I try things.  Some don't work out.  I learn.  That is not failure.  Though I've been trained to think so.  That is living.  So...what would I do? 
What dreams would I dream?  What hopes would I hope....really hope?  What trips would I plan?  What plans would I make?  If I viewed it only as living and learning and not as failing?
What if I quit putting off?  Quit worrying about what people think?  What if I began to explore my world like a toddler explores a puddle?  Exuberantly.  Wholeheartedly.  Giddily.  Not afraid to get wet.  Or fall down.  Or get muddy.  Or lose a shoe.  Exploring.  With great wonder.  
How would I live?  What would I risk?  Who would I spend my time with?  How would it feel?  What would I do with my time?  Would I sing?  Would I dance?  Would I get healthy? Would I run?  Would I jump?  How would I behave?

What if I just let go?  Really.  Truly.  Let go.  Not holding on to perceptions.  Nor thoughts of others.  Nor worries.  What if I relaxed and....let go.  And trusted my Lifeline instead of my thoughts and plans?
What if I trusted that those hopes and desires that are imbedded deep within me.  Those things that have lived in me for so long but seem...frivolous...irresponsible...silly...crazy....impossible....what if?  They are not impossible.  What if instead, they are actually the hardwired sense put into me of my purpose?  What if I've been listening to people and missed the fact that those dreams are God's calling to me...incessant....clear....timeless?
What if I start living instead of thinking about living?  Risking.  Moving.  Loving.  Giving.  Laughing.  Traveling.  Being still.  Writing.  for real.  

What if I simply decide instead of allowing myself to be led or convinced?  What if I choose?  Simply.  Clearly.  What if I try a new thing every day?  Even if it's just little?
Yesterday I went to church.  That's big for me.  And then, I sat in my exes seat.  At my son's request.  Not just in "his" pew...but where he usually sits.  I didn't see him at all.  I sang LOUD.  Maybe not well, but with gusto.  I sang the echo part on a song all by myself...not my fault if nobody else learned it that way. ;)  And I made a super healthy smoothie that looks pretty bad but should help with my health.  I need to take care of me.  I began oil swishing.  That's an experience to be had.  But, good for teeth, good for exzema...good for pain.  I need that.  I face a lot of pain.  
I've been through a lot.  But, I am ready to move on.  Ready to really live.  Though I move forward and back.  Life is like a tide.  But it is never the same way twice and never a waste of time.  The tide didn't fail the first time...it's just doing what it's supposed to.  As am I.  Learning what it means to have faith.  To live as if I cannot fail.  Because, I cannot. blessings.

Go boldly my friends.  Fearlessly.  No shame.  No second guessing.  Running to the plan that He has for you.  I'll see you on the journey!

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