Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

A good friend

a good friend shows up when you need her.  gives you a hug when you are down.  a good friend helps you think when you are too tired to do anything more.  a good friend helps you hold life together.  a good friend might load your dishwasher.  or sweep your floor.  sometimes, they are even known to fold your laundry.  or make you a meal.  a good friend calls now and again to check on you.  and sounds pleased when you call them.  takes you out to lunch on your birthday.  has coffee with you on a cold morning.  a good friend is a lovely gift.
but then, there's a great friend.  a heart friend.  a friend that goes beyond.  they listen when your words don't sound pretty and still hear the good in you.  when you are tired, they remind you to take care of you.  a great friend doesn't need a reason to call...or stop by....or have coffee...or share some time.  it's just the norm.  a great friend helps pick up the pieces, bury the bodies, build the bridges...or burn them, as need be.  they don't always agree, but they always show up.  a great friend gets tired of you and yet knows that they don't ever want to be without you.  they hold on when apart.  they don't make you do all of the work.  a great friend knows your heart words.  not just your mouth words.  and they treasure them.  and keep them safe.  a great friend does that little thing that was on your mind that you haven't even told anyone.  and it's all so effortless.......
a great friend.  there aren't bunches for each person.  but i sure hope that people have at least one.  because it's a friend that meets you in the most real place.  isn't scared away by your crazy.  as a matter of fact, they see right through it...into the real you.  where it blocks the view for most, for a great friend, it's a magnifying glass of who you really are and what is really wrong.  sometimes, a great friend knows long before you do what is hurting you.
i am blessed.  truly blessed.  and i know it.  too bad i don't have awards to give out.

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