Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Saturday, May 18, 2013


I have had lots of emotions going round and round.  Nobody to talk to.  Well, lots of people to talk to, but not about this stuff.  If you have a spouse, people often assume you talk to them...it's considered ok.  But if you are single, you have to keep things to yourself even moreso.
I don't have the place to just share those things that are confidences and share the burden.  But, I never really did.  It's very difficult to deal with sometimes.  But, overall it's not a burden.
This last week was strange and interesting.  In good way.  In painful ways.
I heard of someone who quit drugs.  Quit his job.  Found out he's going to be a daddy.  And had a job interview.  All in one week.  Wow.  I was amazed.  I am amazed.  Talk about quite a week.  Wow.  I know that the stress must be huge.  And the excitement.
I heard of someone who got an unexpected job.  Someone else who is going to go work on and Indian Reservation and is quitting her job.
I chatted with someone who thought that some difficult news was going to prove to be the demise of a business.  And another who, upon receiving the same news, felt like it was an opportunity to show good.
I have worked hard.  Managed to keep up...mostly.  I have slowly chipped away at what I need to do for graduation.
My son finished his last class.  My other son went back to work for the summer.  My other son :) is moving to a new apartment in one month...and hoping to have a new job.  My baby son is still reveling in his month of his mom not making him do things so that he can show how mature he is on his own...not so much, yet at least.
My daughter is off on a girl's sleepover to rally around a lifelong friend who was unexpectedly dumped by a guy she has dated for three years.
I am getting ready to get a haircut.  After a bath.  Because me?  I've already been out in the garden this morning.  It was lovely.  I would have stayed.  But, my salon demands a little more than mud crusted in appearance.
Off I go to the day.  I hope that your crazy, amazing, interesting, troubling things....find a way to settle into the peacefulness of your heart.

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